How technology can support Scientific Research in medicine?

Varna, October 22, 2022 Sqilline was thrilled to attend the yearly National Oncology Conference СОНМ-МОРЕ 2022.

During the expert session on Digital Reconstruction in Bulgarian Medicine, Nezabravka Tsvetanova from Sqilline was able to demonstrate Danny Platform Scientific Research services and how technology and digitalization can innovate University processes.

If you have a clinical problem you want to solve or a hypothesis to test or clarify a medical question, our technology can make impactful discoveries from real-world evidence of patients and their treatment outcomes.

The curated sets of aggregated, de-identified data in Danny Platform can help create new clinical knowledge in a variety of therapeutic areas like – cardiology, oncology, neurology, rheumatology, and rare diseases.

Using proprietary ML and NLP algorithms to extract both structured and unstructured data from EHRs, Danny Platform provides dashboards of analytic reports for quick insights into how the population is being treated. The answers you develop from your research could become the central assertation of your future medical publication.

Our unique combination of technology, medical expertise, and collaboration with the scientific community enables investigators to develop strong research questions with a clear focus and purpose.

Danny Platform, with its streamline process and secure access to data could increase the number of scientific publications, improve thier quality and engage more researchers.

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