Sqilline to present a new product “Danny” at ConhIT

Sqilline to present a new product “Danny” at ConhIT

For the second year in a row, Sqilline will take part in ConhIT – Europe’s most important event for the Health IT industry held from 25th to 27th of April 2017 in Berlin, Germany.

This year ConhIT – Connecting Healthcare IT, is even larger and more innovative. Its key topics include digitalization in the health industry and hospitals, eHealth and apps, intersectoral communication and the Internet of Things. There is also an increasing focus on forward-looking topics such as electronic patient communications and cloud-delivered medical IT solutions.

And here we come!

At a special event on April 25, 2017, the SAP partner Sqilline, together with its partner Novartis, will present in the SAP booth the innovative solution “Danny“, addressed at both hospitals – their patients and oncologists – and the associated pharmaceutical companies, along with a live demo of the already acknowledged “Smart DI” application. The media demonstration combined with a panel discussion will highlight and showcase how the right therapeutic approach can be identified faster and more accurately, through the shared use and analysis of patient outcomes, next to the differentiated data analysis for breast cancer patients, allowing for a personalized therapeutic approach, as an example scenario.

Sqilline’s new product “Danny“ is an analytic solution that provides aggregated data reports and predictive analytic tools to help oncologists determine the appropriate chemotherapy, drug combinations and drug schedules in breast cancer treatment. Thus it supports oncology specialists and pharmaceutical companies to make better decisions to:

  • Speed up the treatment therapy by using an aggregated data report per patient, group of patients, or type of treatment – adjuvant, neoadjuvant, metastatic breast cancer (“lines” of treatment).
  • Switch to a potentially more effective regimen and avoid unnecessary side effects by identifying patients who are not responding to a particular treatment.
  • Predict breast cancer survival and prognosis of breast cancer relapse.
  • Improve preventive medicine in breast cancer – identify patients with high breast cancer risk based on building cancer family trees and suggest genetic tests.

Sqilline is a strategic SAP partner in the areas of Precision Medicine, Healthcare and Life Sciences. This provides us with the unique opportunity to build and integrate our solutions on top of SAP HANA DB. Transforming human health and transforming businesses is at the core of our brand. Focusing on Precision Medicine, we develop machine learning algorithms in the area of breast cancer and leukemia treatments. Our strategy is to connect oncologist centers in Europe in order to provide researchers, oncologists and pharma industry better insights for cancer treatment.

We look forward to meeting you at the SAP Booth (Hall 3.2, Booth A-105)!

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