Complexity, different approaches of collecting and sharing patient data, privacy, data security - these are some of the major challenges in the healthcare industry today.
Sqilline provides innovative and affordable healthcare solution based on the in-memory SAP HANA database technology. Its big data analytics capabilities help connect data silos and analyse huge amounts of disparate, genеtic and other patient data in real-time, turning it into real-time insights and action.
Our technology solutions improve linking of patient unique characteristics data – genome sequence, health history, lifestyle – and help develop tailored treatments which increase the life expectancy of patients.
На 27.11.2024 г. “СКИЛЛАЙН БИЗНЕС СЪЛЮШЪНС” ООД подписа АДБФП № BG16RFPR001-1.003-0291-C01 „Внедряване на иновация в Скиллайн Бизнес Сълюшънс ООД" по Програма "Конкурентоспособност и иновации в...
Over the past seven years, Danny Platform has emerged as a leading solution for structuring and validating extensive oncology electronic health record (EHR) data. Through...
Is there a clinical problem you want to solve? Do you have a hypothesis you want to test? Do you want to clarify your research...
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